Lance Armstrong speaks at the annual Team Livestrong Challenge on Oct. 21. On Monday he apologized to staff members. (Photo: Frederic J. Brown, AFP/Getty Images)
Lance Armstrong apologized to the staff of Livestrong Monday prior to an afternoon interview taping with Oprah Winfrey in which he planned to admit to doping during his cycling career.
Livestrong spokesman Katherine McLane said it was a "very sincere and heartfelt apology to the staff."
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Livestong, a charity based in Austin, Texas, was founded by Armstrong to provide support to cancer survivors. It has been entangled in the controversy surrounding Armstrong's cycling career during the last few years. In October, Armstrong was forced to step down from the Livestrong board after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency released a massive file of detailed doping evidence against him.
Armstrong, 41, has denied doping for years. The Oprah interview is scheduled to air Thursday.