University of Florida wide receivers coach Joker Phillips decided to continue his nightmare-inducing recruiting tactics earlier this morning.
Nice of Phillips to recognize another generation of Joker with the Jack Nicholson photo, after using Heath Ledger's interpretation of the character last month. Cesar Romero is waiting, Coach Phillips.
The "Gators" script across Nicholson's fedora is a nice touch, that hopefully recruits will appreciate. It's the little details that make the biggest difference.
Joker (Phillips) has a lengthy resume as a wide receivers coach with NFL playing experience.
Joker (Villain) is a psychotic mass murderer who is consistently apprehended by either Michael Keaton or Christian Bale, depending on the decade.
No recruit wants to play for the latter Joker. Some recruits might start reconsidering their desire to play for the former Joker if this keeps up.
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