6:27PM EST December 3. 2012 - NBC's Bob Costas, communicating through a spokesman Monday about on-air comments about guns he made Sunday night, "feels an unfortunate leap was taken that he was advocating taking away Second Amendment rights. He was not."
Costas declined comment to an interview request from USA TODAY Sports to speak about comments he made during NBC's NFL coverage Sunday night. But NBC spokesman Greg Hughes says,"In a short (on-air) time period he can cover only one aspect of a complicated issue. So he quoted (columnist Jason Whitlock) about the gun culture and an almost Wild West attitude in parts of this country. He is pro-sensible gun reform and pro-attitude adjustment on guns."
In his 90-second on-air comments Sunday that have drawn criticism in cyberspace, Costas discussed Kansas City Chief linebacker Jovan Belcher shooting girlfriend Kasandra Perkins and then committing suicide with a gun. Costas' conclusion: "If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."
Monday, NBC spokesman Hughes added that Costas is "in favor of people owning guns to hunt and carrying them in reasonably controlled circumstances."
Source : http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2012/12/03/bob-costas-nbc-jovan-belcher-guns-jason-whitlock-second-amendment/1744067/